1·Provide coverage metrics.
2·NBA TV will provide coverage of All-Star events to a record 80 countries around the world.
3·InfoQ will continue to provide coverage of Hyper-V in our Virtualization section in the future.
InfoQ今后将在虚拟化部分中继续报道Hyper - V的相关新闻。
4·What pre-cycle screening tests are required, how much do they cost, and will my insurance provide coverage for these tests?
5·To provide coverage for the countless possible use cases, the WS-POS specification needs to address only a few specific areas.
为了覆盖无数的可能用例,WS-POS 规范只需处理一些特定的领域。
6·The company also said it regained a contract to provide coverage for 3 million active duty and retired military members and their families in several Southern states.
7·The after hours help desk staff is made up of roughly 10 technicians who provide coverage for eight remote sites that the company needs to support during off hours.
下班后的Help Desk人员由大约10名技术员组成,他们负责公司需要在下班期间支持的8个远程站点。
8·Although it offers less accuracy than high-resolution timers, it is ideal for traditional driver time-outs that provide coverage of error cases when dealing with physical devices.
9·We are ready to provide coverage to any city nationwide technical support to users for any product issues raised by users, within 24 hours we will make an analysis and answer.
10·The integration demonstrated MONAX's ability to provide coverage over a substantial network area of more than 3,800 kilometers2 (70-kilometer cell diameter) with just one base station.